What is Product Development and Design Process

Bringing ideas to life is one of the biggest challenging points for aspiring entrepreneurs. Product development is the complete process of delivering a new product to market or improving an existing one. What is Product Development? The entire process of bringing a product to market is referred to as Product Development. It also covers the […]

Private Equity Versus Smart Equity for the Software Company Entrepreneur

If you are an entrepreneur with a small information technology based company looking to take it to the next level, this article should be of particular interest to you. Your natural inclination may be to seek venture capital or private equity to fund your growth. According to Jim Casparie, founder and CEO of the Venture Alliance, […]

A Dozen Questions Every Product Developer Should Ask Themselves Before They Start A New Project

If you are serious about achieving success as a Direct Marketer or Product Developer, start by answering these questions. Thirteen Questions 1. What is my goal this year? Be specific. Instead of answering, “Make a lot of money,” come up with an answer based on your personal reality. For example, your answer might be, “Learn enough […]